Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Custom color coded keys


Everyday I find the right key for the door only after 4 wrong attempts. This started to drive me nuts. But thanks to nail polish, I now have color-coded i.e. easy to remember pretty keys in hand. Of course I still need to map a color with the respective lock; but it is much easier this way than counting the keys to remember that the 3rd key corresponds to such-and-such lock.

A set of keys and nail polish are the only things you need. Paint the pattern you desire on the key head. Let it dry and paint the other side. Voila! your lovely keys are ready.

If you don't like how it turned out all you have to do is use nail polish remover and start over again. It's that simple. I would suggest painting only the key head. Painting the key all over involves the possibility that the dried nail polish chips might get lodged in the lock and jam it.

I painted a single color on the key using the existing design of the key head as a guide.
For the second key, I did a base coat in light brown color. Once that dried, I used a darker brown to apply small dots all over.
The third is my favourite of all. First step is the plain violet all over. Then came the diagonal glitter lines. However, I  I guess I applied the lines too thick; they were sticky for quite some time.